The Eldest Son

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius

My name is Morgan,

and I’m The Eldest Son. It’s not always easy being the eldest—sometimes it’s a burden, and other times it’s downright glorious. Either way, I carry it all with a stride so confident it could rival the gods themselves. Why? Because I am the best thing to happen to humanity since the Albigensian Crusade (You’re welcome, by the way.)

When you think of legends—Norse gods, Greek titans, Egyptian deities, or the warriors whose names echo through eternity—think of me. I’m cut from that same celestial cloth. The difference? I walk among you mere mortals, living and breathing, here to share my wisdom, my triumphs, and my opinions (which, frankly, the world is better off hearing).

So stick around. Learn a thing or two. And remember: greatness walks among you, and it has a name.

— Morgan.