The Day of Infamy
The Day of Infamy has come and gone, and with it, my Day of Birth and the dawn of a new year—one that promises impact, honor, and great wealth for the Kingdom. Tributes were offered, feasts were had, and betrayal was unforgivably attempted via a Prank Crow. A certain company has even requested an audience with Your King, but patience is required.
Loyal followers, heed my words: Gather friends, crush enemies, amass wealth, and then use that wealth to crush more enemies. Such is the path to greatness. Read on, and learn.

One Moon Before the Day of Infamy
Why start a blog, you ask? To share my unmatched wisdom, document my extraordinary life, and reveal my plans for the Kingdom—when I deem the time right, of course. From my mastery of the insurance trade to my role as the Kingdom’s favorite shopkeeper, I have amassed great wealth and influence. And now, through this blog, you too can learn from the teachings of a god among mortals. There’s always more to uncover in the life of Morgan.

Two Moons Before the Day of Infamy
Two moons before my birthday, chaos unfolds. A secret lover is revealed, chariots are contested, and Sonic Galactic dazzles even a being of my caliber. Join me, Lord Morgan, as I recount the drama, the intrigue, and the unmatched brilliance of my day. Will Zachary’s secret lover dare to defy me? Will Isabella the Dreadful pilot another chariot to ruin? Read on, mortals, and witness the greatness that is me.